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The Recipe Hunters

"A celebration of the ancient connection between humans and food."

Join us as we travel around the world documenting the traditional recipes and stories of locals who practice and maintain their culinary heritage, from farm to table. Using food as our medium, we overcome barriers of religion, race, creed, and ethnicity to provide you with a natural, healthy and unique perspective on the ways that people live and eat in homes around the world. 

The ancient food of 


We travel all over Lebanon filming the stories, recipes, and artisan food crafts of some of Lebanon's most ancient cuisines. From foraging for edible thistles on Mount Lebanon, smoking wheat in the South, and making the famous kibbeh in the North, our adventures in Lebanon are chock full of discovery, beauty, and fun!


- a Land of Heritage -

In May of this year, we traveled to Central Mexico to document the stories of local communities who were safeguarding endangered food traditions, farming techniques, and indigenous food under the Slow Food Presidia. We returned from our visit with a newfound respect for our kind, compassionate, neighbors. Sewn into their projects are lessons of finding and creating meaning & use in other’s waste, of the deep love and fulfillment one can find in building a community centered upon a common goal, and the duty and subsequent gratification one feels in working with the earth and not against it. Thank you for inspiring in us hope and pride in humanity. 

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Join The Recipe Hunters in Wales as they discover the traditional recipes behind the most treasured Welsh dishes. Thanks to all of the Welsh families who opened their homes & hearts to our community!  A special thanks to Visit Waleswithout you this could not be possible. Check out the films below to begin your adventure!


The legendary land of

Join The Recipe Hunters in Galicia, Spain, as they discover the traditional recipes behind Galicia's most treasured dishes! Thanks to all of the Galician families who opened their homes & hearts to our community! And a special thanks to

Pelepau & Beladona for the Galician Music! Check out the films below to begin your adventure!

The taste of the sea



short films


All around the world, ancient foods are disappearing. We are on a mission to track down the stories behind those sacred ingredients and recipes. If you love food, culture, and travel, check out some of our favorite short films!!

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