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Captured by The Recipe Hunters in Cyprus

Homemade Fusilli Calabrese Recipe Photo

The Recipe Hunters travel to Cyprus where they met Karime and her family who spend the day teaching them their favorite traditional Cypriot recipe: seasoned lamb and potatoes roasted in a handcrafted clay oven! What you'll need: an awesome outdoor clay oven, a bucket of mud, meat and potatoes!!! This traditional Cypriot recipe is hands on and hot! Don't worry if you do not own a clay oven, you can still experience the delicious recipe in your own home oven! Check it out below.

  • 7 Large Potatoes

  • 3 Onions

  • Salt

  • Olive Oil

  • 7 lbs Lamb (bone-in)

  • 3.5 Tbsp Tomato Paste

  • 5 Tbsp Red Wine Vinegar

  • Crushed Black Pepper

  • 6 Bay Leaves

  • Sprig of Rosemary

  • Clay Oven

  • Mud



Recipe for Firin Kebab

Serves 7-9

If using a traditional, clay oven, heat a large fire and let it burn down to red hot coals. Once the coals are red, hot lay them flat upon the floor of the oven.  If using an oven preheat to 400°F.


  • While the fire is heating:

  • Peel the raw potatoes and cut them into wedges.

  • Peel the onions and cut them into eighths.

  • Place the potatoes and onions into a large baking pan and sprinkle with salt and drizzle with olive oil (4 Tbsp).

  • Cut the meat into portions and add it on top of the potatoes, sprinkle with salt

  • Dilute 3.5 Tbsp of tomato paste in 5 cups of water and drizzle on top of the meat. The tomato paste/water solution should be 1/2 inch high in the pan.

  • In a separate small bowl, mix 5 Tbsp of red wine vinegar, 4 Tbsp of olive oil, and 1 tablespoon of crushed black pepper. Pour the mixture evenly onto the meat and potatoes.

  • Add 6 bay leaves, a sprig of rosemary, and an extra sprinkle of pepper over the meat.

Made with Love Tip: If using a traditional, lay oven cover the pan tightly with aluminum foil and slit a small hole through the aluminum

  • Place in traditional oven and seal the oven door shut with clay. Once the clay hardens, break the door free from the dried clay, open the oven door, and remove the pan (approx 3 hrs).

  • If using a non clay oven, you can cook at 400° F for 2 hours, stirring the meat every so often so that it does not burn.


Oven Roasted Meat & Potatoes

 Recipe Photos

Written by  The Recipe Hunters:

 Leila Elamine and Anthony Morano

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