In the Summer of 2014, we packed our bags and and hopped on a one-way flight to Norway to volunteer on a dairy farm and hunt down traditional Norwegian recipes. And there began our life-long journey to collect and preserve recipes and culinary traditions, and to learn about eco-friendly farming around the world. We have since lived amongst locals volunteering in Sweden, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Lebanon, Egypt, Spain, South Korea, and Vietnam. All the while, recording and collecting their culinary culture to share with you.
Adventures Page connects you to stories of the homecooks we've met and the international culinary experiences we've had along our journey.
Local Recommendations Page (coming soon!) which will list our travel recommendations and connects you to our favorite spots in each of the countries we have visited. In the meantime, e-mail us for our local recommendations.
Short Films Page (coming soon!) connects you to the documentaries we are making about the international culinary experiences we've had on our hunt for traditional recipes!

Anthony is the head of logistics, planning, operations, community outreach, finance, and ice cream making. When he is not deciding on where we go next, contacting future hosts, writing content, looking up flight deals, or putting his muscles to use on the farmland, he can be found in the kitchen with a thermometer and refractometer making his newest batch of ice cream.
Anthony grew up in Garden City, NY in an Italian-American household with an older sister and younger brother. His natural passion for food and operations developed through countless Sunday meals where he would sneak into the kitchen and try the sauce. He calls it quality control.
Leila is the director of photography, videography, editing, and creative design for the The Recipe Hunters. Her duties include: website development, and maintenance, graphic design, photo editing, video editing, and instagram.
Leila is an Irish-Lebanese American, who grew up in Duxbury, Massachusetts, alongside 4 brothers and sisters. She loves cooking Lebanese food like hummus, baba ghanoush, tabbouli, molokhia, and artichokes (her favorite food) and baking homemade Irish breads and scones. Leila is in her element when she is in nature and with animals. She loves fires, clay ovens and foraging for wild herbs and plants.
team mottoes:

In every experience we have had in recording a recipe, we come away with a new understanding and appreciation for the people and culture we are living in. It is truly incredible how these individuals bring together family, friends and community at their dinner tables. We do our best to make sure that those individuals leave the experience feeling appreciated and acknowledged for the love that they give. Being blessed by every invitation into family homes, kitchens, and places of work, we show our gratitude by providing positive energy and excitement. We try to make an ordinary day, extraordinary as we live by a few simple words of encouragement, "let's have fun."
"Let's Have Fun!"

"Be Fearless"
Our journey relies on our ability to meet new people, try new things, and cross boundaries. We constantly step outside of our comfort zones asking strangers for their knowledge, help, or to meet their grandma. What's the worst that can happen? A "No" response with an awkward look? That's not too bad, considering the amount of yesses you will get from grandmas excited to share their stories, recipes, and wedding dresses with you. Dare to ask, to try, to change, and to be fearless.

"Follow the Signs"
Signs come in all shapes and forms; a sign could be a person's recommendation, a feeling you get , or a coincidence that occurs. You must trust and follow your intuition through the good and bad, allowing serendipity to take it's turn. As we say, "if you fight the signs, they stop coming."

There have been plenty of times when we feel overwhelmed and tired, when we don't speak the language, when a story falls through, or when we have pricklies stuck in our hands from a cactus fruit in the middle of a bikeride. Bumps, downs, lulls, or whatever you want to call them will occur. It's not always easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but a few words of encouragement can illuminate the way. By working as a team, we rely on one another. "You got this" is our motto to encourage each other...Because we got this..
"You Got This"

"Cento Per Cento"
By giving 100% effort and 100% enthusiasm, we never have any regrets. No matter what, we follow through and give it our all. From trying something new for the first time to the thousandth time of getting no for an answer, we give it "Cento Per Cento!"
"Discovering and Preserving Traditional Food Culture, One Country at a Time..."